
Showing posts from 2013

The curse of having a Gigantic Dream

Rage is basically an appropriate outburst of a  consciously  bearing mind.  The agony of Life and the daily difficult series of trials  Whenever my conscious self coils back into my past-formative years till now and witnesses the misgivings; which I didn't articulate at those times; when I used to be in utter fury and against the said, were not because of personal qualm but mostly because of my society's inability to be foresighted enough to look at the big picture and empathetic enough to share my dream.   The dream of an average person survives only in the rarest possible case.  Those with heaps of divine favour can only make it and realize their wish lists.  Lucky are those who succeed because the flip side to this is complete oblivion, or even worse; a complete disgust, most of the time wrapped under the veil of sympathy and remorse, from all the people around that were believed to be near and dear ones!   Such is a society that we ...