Premium Gods

Premium Gods

You have really become a tough-reach!
Is it our sins or insecurities.. or something entirely different that I’m not yet aware of at my present level of Emotional Maturity? ...

...These thoughts have started penetrating my soul since day before yesterday when I stood for around 6-7 hours in the queue for Tirumala-Tirupati Lord Balaji' s Darshan. 

Before my intent & message in this post becomes contextually incorrect, let me clarify that I was not at all affected by the wait-time. Because, I’m such an astute believer of Transcendental Powers, and I believe God exist. And these temples are really places where you go seeking their blessings. This needs a lot of efforts both physically & emotionally. And I'm really always ready to endure because the endurance is what magnifies the overall transcendental experiences.

So, coming back to the wait-time let me first explain the title of my Post first..!

I’d like to Define Premium God as an entity that you can only have easy-access to if you got those extra bucks. I mean, the place and access are both directly related to how much money you can part with, in order to be the preferred devotee. Pretty much similar to the way bank operates, you get services based of the net-worth (money) you got. Or in a different context, how much JUGAD you really have in order reach the Manager of a famous (aka Premium Stars/Persons) to solve your Sundry purposes! Or a few others things in similar contexts.

So, there exist many famous GODs where they have got pretty efficient Management working to facilitate Darshan of the Holy Deity. And they work pretty professionally, I must say with all my real-sincere appreciations.

Having said all of the above and also having visited quite a few holy places myself, I now can make my statement about my visit to Tirumala, it being an uniquely worst experience of my lifetime. 

Let me explain the only grudge factor that defines my experience and the starting lines of this post.

People: We the People, I and then all the others who gave me company during the Darshan Queue. Why so much of Chaos and Hurry and just not caring about anything else other than yourself marching forward, closer to the Sanctum Sanctorum? Does pushing people around while chanting GOVIDA and such other names of Vishnu really make you a preferred and respected devotee. Do you really think so?? 

And when such entire holy Procession turns to a HOPELESS and Chaotic crowd, does it really matter if you are really in premises of a GOD or a Political Bharat Bandh. Just leave the ugly Violence that sure sometimes becomes apparent motif of the Bandh, I tell you these holy-procession are uglier sometimes.
The closer the crowd starts getting to the holy retreat, the impatience and hurriedness and horridness of this all really starts going over the head and the idea changes from having a Darshan to saving yourself from really getting crushed by the Mad Mob that you have unfortunately become a part of. :(

Extreme helplessness, I tell you. ...I really wished, I could capture those moments in a video, but now you know why they disallow bringing cameras and stuff.  
To conclude, if you really want to have some Divine and Soulful experiences that Lord balaji’s place is famous for... please go with a Premium service. Being a part of the processions here is just not advisable.


Dilip said…
Dear Manish,

A hard hitting and honest view on our religious ways and the blind faith. Of course I am an infant in this field.Yet what little I know is that each one has is own beliefs and faith. And the bottom line is that whatever route gives us peace of mind - follow it. There are even the non believers who are quite at peace with them selves. Then there those who claim to have risen above the level of rituals and believe that God resides in themselves -the Soul they too are pursuing their quest to find the answer to the eternal question - who am I.

I am sure you will notice the and forgive my interpretation on this subject primary because I am very little exposure to this.

Thank you Manish.
Manish Thakur said…
Many thanks for your views sir.
Dilip said…
Wonder how so many typo's have crept in my comments above? Your guess is as good as mine :) Good wishes to you and be well!


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