

The Bitch is Back 2009's most influential author is a mirthless Russian-American who loves money, hates God, and swings a gigantic dick. She died in 1982, but her spawn soldier on. And the Great Recession is all their fault By Andrew Corsello Illustration by John Ritter October 27, 2009   goddamn, the experience of being 19 years old and reading Ayn Rand! The crystal-shivering-at-the-breaking-pitch intensity of it! Not just for that 19-year-old, but for everybody unfortunate enough to be caught in his psychic blast radius. Is "experience" even the right word for The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged? Ayn Rand's idolization of Mickey Spillane and cigarettes and capitalism—an experience? Her tentacular contempt for Shakespeare and Beethoven and Karl Marx and facial hair and government and "subnormal" children and the poor and the Baby Jesus and the U.N. and homosexuals and "simpering" social workers and French Impressionism and a thousand other th...

Is the relationship really worth it?

Read/ saw some important lessons on relationship and intimacy.. a presentation by Elizabeth Gilbert , author of Eat, Pray, Love.  Really worth a deep contemplation! The hedgehog's dilemma, or sometimes the porcupine dilemma, is an analogy about the challenges of human intimacy. It describes a situation in which a group of hedgehogs all seek to become close to one another in order to share their heat during cold weather. However, once accomplished, they cannot avoid hurting one another with their sharp quills. They must step away from one another. Though they all share the intention of a close reciprocal relationship, this may not occur for reasons which they cannot avoid. Both Schopenhauer and Freud have used this situation to describe what they feel is the state an individual will find themselves in relation to others. The hedgehog's dilemma suggests that despite goodwill, human intimacy cannot occur without substantial mutual harm, and what results is cautious behavior and...

How Will You Measure Your Life?

How Will You Measure Your Life? A wonderful work I found on HBR... and the forum that it created.. I'm still in the awe of these wonderful people around! Thank you  Clayton  for reminding us in such a brilliant and clear way that life is multidimensional; and for bringing sense to it. It is easier to hold on to your principles a 100 percent of the time; but whether or not THAT is the right/better thing to do - must be subject to the scrutiny of your very principle.  After all, its our moral frigidity that creates conflict, prevents co-existence and tolerance and brews superiority and judgement. The choice and successful pursuit of a profession is but one tool for achieving your purpose. But without a purpose, life can become hollow. Ironically, a man realizes the true meaning of his life only after the stark realization of its transcience. If more people follow the path of their heart rather than the crowd mentality of commercial success, the world would be...
  " Personally, I'm always ready to learn, although I don't always like being taught.  " — Winston Churchill
ihatequotes    You're going to mess up sometimes.  But the good part is, you get to decide how you're gonna mess it up. - Marilyn Monroe #ihatequotes

Highway of Emotional Involvements

I had this lesson learnt very early in my lyf to put-in the highest possible efforts to things that is aimed for! Today, I’ve realized that there exists a flip side to this theory. I have always believed in giving-out my best; in totality, to THINGS that I want in my lyf. THINGS never retorted to say if they ever wanted me.. thus being such a focused and comfortable ride, agony was pleasure too, because it was self induced!!   J   J   J But how have things changed when the same approach I tried using for the emotional involvements with PEOPLE. Even at the deepest level of emotional involvements, a valid and equally important consideration remains; that of the reaction received, ..and that severely affects the interpersonal affairs. May be that’s why chemistry comes in picture. There has to be a reaction.. and it decides the outcome!! It has to be rightly sighted and righteously accepted.. I am grateful to have experienced this and can proudly say, now, ...

Ms Harshika says... some insights about the gender called MALE for the other called FEMALE

Harshika   writes:  "What Happened to All the Nice Guys?" Something I found on a site and thought I should totally share it with you all. Unfortunately , most men and women would relate to it.  "I see this question posted with some regularity in the personals section, so I thought I'd take a minute to explain things to the ladies out there that haven't figured it out.   What happened to all the nice guys? The answer is simple: you did. See, if you think back, really hard, you might vaguely remember a Platonic guy pal who always seemed to want to spend time with you. He'd tag along with you when you went shopping, stop by your place for a movie when you were lonely but didn't feel like going out, or even sit there and hold you while you sobbed and told him about how horribly the (other) guy that you were fucking treated you. At the time, you probably joked with your girlfriends about how he was a little puppy dog, always foll...