
Other Side of the Table...

Other Side of the Table... Kshitij Bansal Congratulations for your promotion Guys! You have done it again. No doubt you deserved that. But before you take on your new responsibilities, I think you must read a story. As they say ‘Power is a necessary evil’, if used to do well, it can create revolution and if mishandled, can create havoc. When my heart provoked me to share with you, a lesson that I learned from my uncle, I penned it down in form of this story. The story is about a guy who got to learn the real meaning of progress and power. With a hope that the message reaches you in high spirit, I wish you all the best. Enjoy reading… Other side of the table… “Really?” was his first word when that sound fell on his eardrums. “I mean thanks! Thanks a lot, Sir! Bye…” He couldn’t believe his ears what he had heard just a few seconds ago. After all he had been waiting for this for years now. He still remembered the day when he became Technical lead. His manager calle...


li'l antithetic look at LOVE. Love is generic and Pure only when SEX is not involved! any affair involving opposite gender with such mortal afflictions is kinda always very complicated. when u love someone so very deep, more than everything; u so very want to weep. Tears are one that come out, but it's ur heart that always goes out.  Love is so very like the river, always a free flow; tearing, fighting but alwyas giving. ... even the sunshine drags the drops out but thr is never a fight on pegging so many trouts. Love hurts, love give u pains, if u want sanity never ever fall for any so called gains. Do u say soulmate exists, ask urself and answers always acquiesce if you want to be accepted as trendy n cool,  don't fall for love or be an emotional fool! -ManTak

tirade against this immoral n arrogant govt. Shame for mother India


Some assuptions about Scorpion

1. Scorpios are passionate . They are so intense in their feelings that many a times they scare people away with the power and sheer magnitude of their inner intensity. And they’re not passionate just about love, but about everything that is close to their heart. 2. Scorpios are brutally honest . You ask them what their opinion is, and they’ll give it to you. Point blank. No pretense, no flattery, no diplomacy, just the plain and naked truth. If you are not comfortable with it, don’t ask a Scorpio. Because sometimes, truth hurts.   3. Scorpios are brilliant at camouflage . The only organ that deceives them is their eyes. So if you want to know what they are really feeling inside, try to read those eyes. If they let you read them.   4. Scorpios are totally aware of what they are, and what they are not, and they really don’t have the time to analyze what others’ opinion about them is. So don’t feel bad if you compliment a Scorpio and he/she simply says, “I know. Thanks.” beca...
Have you ever gotten lost on a dark night while out driving? Imagine you’re travelling down a country road. For miles you see no other vehicles, no reassuring headlights anywhere. There are no homes or businesses either, so there is no one to ask for directions - just miles and miles of hilly and chilly unending mountainous road, dimly lit by a crescent moon. The farther you go, the greater is your sense of panic. You’ve been watching the gas gauge fall, and it’s nearly on empty. Suddenly, you see the road sign you’ve been looking for, and you turn onto it. You’re on your way home.. My Year 2011 started on the very same note... :)


The Bitch is Back 2009's most influential author is a mirthless Russian-American who loves money, hates God, and swings a gigantic dick. She died in 1982, but her spawn soldier on. And the Great Recession is all their fault By Andrew Corsello Illustration by John Ritter October 27, 2009   goddamn, the experience of being 19 years old and reading Ayn Rand! The crystal-shivering-at-the-breaking-pitch intensity of it! Not just for that 19-year-old, but for everybody unfortunate enough to be caught in his psychic blast radius. Is "experience" even the right word for The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged? Ayn Rand's idolization of Mickey Spillane and cigarettes and capitalism—an experience? Her tentacular contempt for Shakespeare and Beethoven and Karl Marx and facial hair and government and "subnormal" children and the poor and the Baby Jesus and the U.N. and homosexuals and "simpering" social workers and French Impressionism and a thousand other th...

Is the relationship really worth it?

Read/ saw some important lessons on relationship and intimacy.. a presentation by Elizabeth Gilbert , author of Eat, Pray, Love.  Really worth a deep contemplation! The hedgehog's dilemma, or sometimes the porcupine dilemma, is an analogy about the challenges of human intimacy. It describes a situation in which a group of hedgehogs all seek to become close to one another in order to share their heat during cold weather. However, once accomplished, they cannot avoid hurting one another with their sharp quills. They must step away from one another. Though they all share the intention of a close reciprocal relationship, this may not occur for reasons which they cannot avoid. Both Schopenhauer and Freud have used this situation to describe what they feel is the state an individual will find themselves in relation to others. The hedgehog's dilemma suggests that despite goodwill, human intimacy cannot occur without substantial mutual harm, and what results is cautious behavior and...