li'l antithetic look at LOVE.

Love is generic and Pure only when SEX is not involved! any affair involving opposite gender with such mortal afflictions is kinda always very complicated.

when u love someone so very deep,
more than everything; u so very want to weep.

Tears are one that come out,
but it's ur heart that always goes out. 

Love is so very like the river,
always a free flow; tearing, fighting but alwyas giving.

... even the sunshine drags the drops out
but thr is never a fight on pegging so many trouts.

Love hurts, love give u pains,
if u want sanity never ever fall for any so called gains.

Do u say soulmate exists, ask urself and answers always acquiesce

if you want to be accepted as trendy n cool, 
don't fall for love or be an emotional fool!


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