How Difficult is it to be happy with what you have!

I now realize it how materialistic I have become. There seems to be no contentment in what all I have.. There is always this feeling of having more n more n more.. Where does it stop..!!!

May be this world is not a place for those who are contented... Not sure about it!


Ravi Shalin said…
I just want to share some will explain the nature of man.

As a is a fool.
When it is wants it cool.
When it is wants it hot.
Always want what is NOT...
Manish Thakur said…
May be this is because I've not yet got what I dreamt of years back! lots of money..That's why my dream is still in progression.. Though there has been a slight moderation.. in terms of being happy and content and looking forward to today and tomorrow while in a state to earn that doesn't keep me devoid of anything I wish for..

May be that is why a career means.. There should always be a tomorrow and hope of something better.. I'm happy that I have that in my the least. Enough for now!!

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