Ye Duniya..Hai isme kitne Jhol!!

The essence of Leadership has got so lost in the current scenario that everything has become materialistic and green-back driven. All what matters is how much do you earn and how do you flaunt it. All affairs of Heroism has become a matter of media attention and so short-lived. We are running, not because it's our hobby rahter because it's necessary for keeping us going.
Be it the 'Babudom' in the govt. sector or the 'work driven culture' in the private domain, what matters most is how well are you able to influence people up the order, and is least about how good you really are at what you do. In such a scenario the essence and meaning of a LEADER losses its relevance...
PS: This comes from my own experience, so far. People around have actually become so narrow and mean that they can just not think beyond their own-self. Leave the talk of accountability. All that prevails is back-biting and selfishness. Not that I'm paranoid, more so because my experience says so.. Disappointing!!


Anonymous said…
Hey Manish,

Your thoughts are quite justified specially in the context of the recent economic recession and its causes. As also examples of the CEOs/ leaders who succumbed to personal greed or power.

But then I feel this is is one side of the coin. As the saying goes "It takes all sorts to make the world". There are perhaps more examples of exemplary leadership.

May I take the liberty of requesting you to take a peek in my blog posts on Leadership. (a) Rushmorean Leadership (b) Supreme Leadership and (c) The Power of a Vision.

So lets uphold the spirit of great leaders by making our own small contribution to and make the world a happier place. I am sure 'we all can do it'. :)



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